Romaine Lettuce, Butter Head Lettuce, Red Sails Lettuce
Broccoli up front, Swiss Chard, Onions, Brussel Sprouts
Romaine Lettuce... I trimmed off some of those outer leaves today. We will have a mixed greens salad tonight. When to harvest these?
I forget the exact name of this one.
How will I know when these are big enough? They have shot up lately. Do these regrow if you cut them off?
The florets are getting bigger every day!
How will I know when the kale is big enough to cut? Does it grow back?
It have been so awesome to have all my herbs! I use them every day. So far we have: 2 parsley, 1 cilantro, 1 chive, 1 dill, 1 oregano, 1 rosemary, 2 mint, 1 sage, and 2 basil, 2 thyme.
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